Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Tool 7 digital Photo Story Take Two

I have created a summer activities video. Hopefully it will give the students other things to do at the beach or lake. This is my second try to upload my photo story.

Monday, July 26, 2010


I will use videos for my students for additional activities. I will also refer them to websites so they can follow their own special interest such as volleyball camps, cheerleading classes, etc. Trasforming my learning - not really sure yet, I will work with other HF teachers for their ideas and input regarding this. The unexpected outcome for me was the extensive time and confusion. I am just not techno savvy and have a very limited knowledge base for this.

Tool 10 Digital citizenship

There is a ton of concern and caution students and all individuals need to use when using all aspects of these programs. I am learning this first hand with some of my comments made during my hours of working on these programs and the frustration I have felt. I am glad for the edit key but should use the draft key first and the publish key after I have calmed down and read what I have written.

Tool 9 Skype

Screencast could help students document their own workout activities to share and motivate other students. Skype could be used for interactive activities and classes with online instructors.

Tool 8 Videos - muscle conditioning and stretching

I have included a muscle conditioning video for students to help with calorie burning and strength. Along with that is stretching for muscle regeneration and relaxation. This could be used to provide students and their families with lots of at home opportunities they could do together. My videos are stuck on my desktop, still working on that function. Any advice?

Tool 7 digital Story Telling

I have created a summer activities video. Hopefully it will give the students other things to do at the beach or lake.

Tool 6/Wikis

I am still processing how I could use this with my students. I see our team using it for coordination of program task and details.